Tuesday, March 8, 2016

19 Awesome Animation GIFs You Must Share!

Are you fond of animations?
We are very exposed to GIFs since our childhood!
Disney, Pixar, and much more!!

This post contains 19 animation GIFs which you much see!
You can download them if you like.

How square roll~

Very simple but really awesome animation GIF!

Hippo!!! Eating their meal~

Exact status I am right after lunch!

Dr. Who Animation GIFs!

This GIF shows changes of the four seasons~
Spring Summer Fall and Winter
Such an amazing GIF!

Animation made in Japan called Howl's Moving Castle
This is that very castle which moves, powered by great demon illustrated as fire
Created by Oliver Sin

prncslav's animation GIF.
prncslav is famous GIF artist~ you can check out more of his GIF in his tumblr blog

Another famour Japan animation called The Spiriting Away of Sen and Chihiro
This Animation Shows some of the characters from the animation :D

The evolution of the smartphone!
Amazing work!

Another prncslav's work!
Some guy doing some skateboard tricks!

Pythagoras! The ancient mathematician.
He got some moves~

Pythagoras's Tangent Attack!

and Cosine Attack!

I don't have Sine Attack sadly lol

Yes. He is Newton~ who founded the Law of Universal Gravition

So his skill is dropping an apple =D

This old man is Darwin.
Evolutionary Theory is his masterpiece~

His skill is my favorite!

Meet Albert Einstein.
Crazy Theoretical Physicist.

His skill is the Theory of Relativity.

Sorry for all the scientists at the end~
I thought it was funny to see them as animation GIFs!

You can check out more GIFs in PicPic
PicPic is a GIF app free to download~ no in-app purchases at all!

Go check it out!!

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