Sunday, February 21, 2016

8 Adorable Cat GIFs You Must Download

Hey there, I just started a blog and wondered.. what should be my first post?
and than I thought everyone loves cats! and their GIFs!
So I've decided to bring 8 adorable cat GIFs which you would want to possess.

1. Kitten's New Toy
Just look how adorable this kitten is.
If you look closely, just the moment when it's up in the air (like for 0.3 seconds)
It gets its claws out to grab on to the toilet paper. 
You may not like this~ but it's how they grow up:)

2. What'ya Looking at?
I love black and white.
I love black and white pictures and I love black and white GIFs
Especially B&W GIFs make me forget about the background and get me focused into the movement they have.  

3. Stretching Cat (Yawn)
This baby kitten's coral blue eyes are amazing!
Makes me yawn as well lol

4. Go Away!! Ducks!!
This GIF is very popular cat GIF.
Wonder why the owner put him in there anyway.
The kitten's face is so adorable!

5. Chinese Cat

I'm not saying that this cat is from China.
I just named that because its face looks like somewhat like the cat figure in Chinese restaurants.

6. Thirsty
This one is very smart!
It doesn't want to get wet.

7. WTF?!
I still can't figure it out..
are those marshmallows?

8. Alien Cat

THIS! is my personal favorite GIF!
You can see the little guy knowing something is above him and tries to grab the thing off but couldn't.
His front legs are too short :D

I am planning to post a lot of GIFs so follow me on Google+ and get some pretty interesting GIFs in you hand!! Have a nice day

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